Consulate of Lithuania in Sydney
Diplomatic representation of Lithuania. Information on consular services of the Consulate of Lithuania in Sydney. On this website you will find general information about the Consulate of Lithuania in Sydney. The majority of foreign
consulates in Sydney are from Asian and European
Contact details of the Lithuania Consulate in Sydney
Lithuanian Consulate in Sydney, Australia
11 David Street
Clifton Gardens
New South Wales 2088
Telephone Number:
(+61) (2) 9969 6232
Fax Number:
Ms Ginta Viliunas - Consul
Office Hours:
By appointment
Consulates in Sydney
Consulate or Consulate-General
A Consulate or Consulate-General is a foreign diplomatic representative office or mission in Sydney.
The head of a Sydney Consulate or
Consulate-General is a Consul or a Consul General.
Services comprise of a wide range of consular assistance usually coordinated from the
Embassy based in Canberra.
Honorary Consul
A Honorary Consulate in Sydney is generally a independent person residing in Sydney, who represents to execute certain consular
duties in the Sydney greater region.
The head of a Honorory Consulate is called a Honorory Consul and this person often works as
the foreign diplomatic representative on a part-time basis and generally has limited diplomatic powers. |